A & J Construction, 2319 North Gayman Avenue, Davenport, IA, 52804-2744, general contractors

U.S Building Contractors Iowa Building Contractors Iowa - List of United States General Building Contractors

A & J Construction

Company Name: A & J Construction
Status: Active
State: Iowa
Post: 52804-2744
County: Scott
City: Davenport
Address: 2319 North Gayman Avenue
Phone: (563)391-5843
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Paul Jeys
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 152103 Industry group: General Building Contractors, Business category: General Contractors, Single Family Houses, Subcategory: General contractors
Employees: 2
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 472,000
Overall: A & J Construction is a business categorized under general contractors, single family houses, which is part of the larger category general building contractors. A & J Construction is located at the address 2319 North Gayman Avenue in Davenport, Iowa 52804-2744. The Owner is Paul Jeys who can be contacted at (563)391-5843.
  • General contractor
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Name: D.T.T.
Message: Think i met J. People on his crew were afraid of a real carpenter joining their crew. Young buck acted like he wanted to fight to scare me off.. my ex rented the house they were working on all good except for the water leaking in basement. Apparently the landlord was trying to get by cheap cause you could see into basement from entryway. The renters association ended up helping her file a lawsuit to get her moving expenses paid.
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