Advantage Commercial Constr, 100 South Rolff Street, Davenport, IA, 52804-4464, general contractors

U.S Building Contractors Iowa Building Contractors Iowa - List of United States General Building Contractors

Advantage Commercial Constr

Company Name: Advantage Commercial Constr
Status: Active
State: Iowa
Post: 52804-4464
County: Scott
City: Davenport
Address: 100 South Rolff Street
Phone: (563)324-2100
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 152103 Industry group: General Building Contractors, Business category: General Contractors, Single Family Houses, Subcategory: General contractors
Employees: 4
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 944,000
Overall: Advantage Commercial Constr is a business categorized under general contractors, single family houses, which is part of the larger category general building contractors. Advantage Commercial Constr is located at the address 100 South Rolff Street in Davenport, Iowa 52804-4464. You can contact by phone (563)324-2100.
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